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Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises

Sandy from Logan Physiotherapy demonstrates simple shoulder exercises for early stage shoulder rehab and body awareness to improve shoulder positional awareness progressing to scapular (shoulder blade) position and control.

Standing and reverse bar run the shoulder through a restricted range of movement, the bar gives feedback to position in space and directs the shoulder through range. Sitting bar progresses the scapula control aspect and ensures that you get contraction of the scapular postural muscles to provide a good stable base for your shoulder joint to move and engages the rotator cuff correctly.



Sandy from Logan Physiotherapy demonstrates simple shoulder exercises for early stage shoulder rehab and body awareness to improve shoulder positional awareness progressing to scapular (shoulder blade) position and control.

Standing and reverse bar run the shoulder through a restricted range of movement, the bar gives feedback to position in space and directs the shoulder through range. Sitting bar progresses the scapula control aspect and ensures that you get contraction of the scapular postural muscles to provide a good stable base for your shoulder joint to move and engages the rotator cuff correctly.


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